Helping Lending Institutions and Investors with the Bottom Line

Rely on a Resource Who Speaks Your Language as Well as That of Your Customers’

Do you really know which currently performing loans are headed toward trouble?

In order to know that, you need more than another customer service representative to communicate with your borrowers. Your ideal solution is a customer service team with expertise in real estate bringing creative solutions to the multi-faceted problems affecting your borrowers. For you that means someone who understands the cost of foreclosure, while reaching out to your customers to engage in a conversation for ways to keep a loan performing…that’s Performance to Liquidity Asset Services.

Ongoing Support to Limit Charge Offs

When foreclosure is the right answer, who manages your REO inventory for the best outcome? Our single point of contact assures balls are not dropped.

When and if REO occurs, whether the best solution is sale, lease or refinance, Performance to Liquidity Asset Services is ready. Because we’re involved early on, properties are ready to go on the market almost immediately, not in weeks or months. So, at no additional cost, you benefit from our extensive real estate experience and the personal assistance needed to improve liquidity. We manage your property for you as if it were our own, by providing one-on-one attention that’s simply not feasible for most lending institutions.  Performance to Liquidity Asset Services maximizes the return from each account because we manage it from beginning to end.

Real Results with Minimal Investment

Would you hire additional staff to bring you customized, best-scenario solutions if it were affordable?

We provide the scalable services you need at a fraction of the cost associated with hiring or training additional staff. In addition, much of our fee is not paid until a liquidity event occurs or your objectives are reached. You can rely on Performance to Liquidity Asset Services’ proven track record of success in customized real estate solutions to help you:

  • Prevent or reduce REO Inventory by reaching out to borrowers early in the process

  • Increase performance within your special credit department

  • Develop best solution game plans for troubled loans and properties ensuring best-value outcomes

Learn how to improve your bottom line with personalized REO Support today.